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Selasa, 22 Mac 2011

Penipuan Melalui Email Anda

Dear Friend,ASSALAMU'ALAYKUM !!!!!,

My name is Mr Muhammad Rahman, I work in a managerial position in a well respected security company, with a head office in Ougadougou Burkina Faso

I am contacting you because of an urgent business transaction that I want to do with a trusted foreigner, I got your email informations through the Burkina's Chamber of Commerce and industry on foreign business relations here in Ougadougou Burkina Faso I haven't disclose this deal to anybody..

On the 25th of November 2003, the sum of (Ten Million Five houndred thousand United States Dollars) $10,500.000 was deposited with my company where i work , disguised as a family heirloom in a trunk box, this is not the only time that corrupt government officials uses the services of my company to ship their ill gotten wealth abroad or secure it for future use. I took exceptional note of this deposit because it was large and as the man at the helm of affairs then, I got to know the man behind the deposit, Late President Gnassingbe Eyadema who died on February 2005.

The reason for my contacting you is that I checked and found out that the deposit is still intact and nobody has asked for it, and I know that nobody will ever ask for it, I am the only living soul who knows the true identity of the depositor, no other person can retrieve the deposit except the person can produce the codes combination which was given to the depositor, the way we operate is that if the depositor wants to retrieve his deposit, he will instruct the company in writing and give his codes and if the manager confirms the code, the deposit will be released at once to the person, no name or identification is needed.

If you accept to work with me, I will give you the instruction letter to send to my company and also when the company asks for the codes, I will give them to you

My best regards.
Mr Muhammad Rahman

- Ini adalah diantara email-email yang sudah lebih 30 bilangannya dalam inbox saya daripada pelbagai nama untuk menipu saya dan tuan puan semua.
- Dalam keadaan itupun masih ramai yang tertipu, dan dengan mudah mencuba nasib untuk mendapatkan wang dengan jalan mudah.
- Tidak ada orang yang terlalu baik untuk memberikan wang kepada orang yang tidak dikenali! Kaedah ini adalah umum, kecuali jika anda kelihatan seperti papa kedana yang layak menerima zakat.
- Pelbagai jenis penipuan mengikut kemodenan dunia sekarang tersebar samada melalui lisan nyata, media, eloktronik, dan pelbagai lagi laluan.
- Jangan terpengaruh untuk menjadi kaya dengan segera, yang akhirnya anda menjadi orang yang paling papa kedana akibat tertipu dan ditipu.

Wallahu A3lam.


ismail berkata...

Salam 1 Malaysia, baru-baru ini seorang pesara tentera kerugian wang persaraan gara-gara percaya pada perniagaan batu permata. Puncanya dari e mail.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

cuma nak cakap sikit x byk , ko ckp dia penipu tapi buktinya ??????? aq x faham dia tipu bahagian mana? adakah ko x percaya atau dia minta no bank ko kalao bank ko tu dibiarkan kosng tanpa wang, dan dia masukkan 400,000.00 cam2 , dan adakah dia masukkan haha. kalo masuk duit ko dah mmg kosong msk dapat duit, kalo dlm akaun ko aad duit 2 cari nahas kalo dia ada cara lain untuk amik duit dlm akaun, biasanya aq ni jenis licik, (bukan nak bangga) kalo org nak masukkan duit aku ada satu akaun yang sememngnya hanya ada 4-14 ringgit wawawawa dia kaut semua pon wa still ada 241 ribu haha. aku minat satu je dalam byk2 e-mail western union transfer haaa yg 2 je btul aq pernh dapat usd 2800. sebab tolong transfer duit dia yang bernilan puluhan ribu tapi 2 member aq bkn org xdikenali uwekkkkkkkkkkkk salam, syukuran.

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